Using ASP.NET Application Services in Windows Applications
Since their introduction ASP.NET application services are popular and widely
adopted means to implement membership, profile and role based security in web
applications. Starting from .NET framework 3.5, Windows applications can also
avail these features under the banner of Client Application Services. In this
article I will show you how these services can be consumed in Windows Forms
When to use Client Application Services?
Client application services allow you to do the following tasks:
- Authenticate users
- Implement role based security
- Read and write Web settings (Profile) for a user
Client application services can be used in the following situations:
- When you wish to share the same user credentials between web and windows
- While developing a smart client application
- When part of the system is web based and part of it is Windows based
It should be noted, however, that client application services are not
standalone equivalent of application services for Windows applications. They are
designed to allow Windows application share the same set of users that a web
site is using.
Namespaces involved
The System.Web.Extensions assembly provides two namespaces related to client
application services:
- System.Web.ClientServices
- System.Web.ClientServices.Providers
The former namespace contains classes that provide support to the ASP.NET
application services. The later namespace contains classes related to client
service providers.
Implementation steps
In order to make use of the client application services you need to take the
following steps:
- Configure database to support application services
- Create a web site application
- Configure membership, role and profile providers
- Expose ASP.NET application services to Windows applications
- Create a Windows Forms application
- Enable client application services in the Windows Forms application
- Retrieve profile properties in the Windows Forms application
- Consume client application services
Let's develop a simple example that implements all the above steps.
Configure database to support application services
In order to configure a database to support ASP.NET application services you
need to run aspnet_regsql.exe command line tool. If you ever used application
services before you should be familiar with this command. Running this tool
starts a wizard that guides you to further steps. The following figure shows the
initial wizard step.

This tool creates several tables and stored procedures in the specified
database that are used by ASP.NET application services.
Create a web site application
Now create a new web site using Visual Studio. In real world scenario this will be a functional
web site. Since our intention is to illustrate the user of client application
services we will not develop any web form in the web site. You can safely delete
all the web forms from this web site. You nevertheless need to create the web
site because it is this web site that expose the ASP.NET application services to
Windows Forms application.
Configure membership, role and profile providers
The next step is to enable Forms authentication and configure membership,
role and profile providers. Open web.config of the web site you just created and
add the following markup to it.
<authentication mode="Forms"/>
<membership defaultProvider="p1">
<add name="p1" connectionStringName="connstr"
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="p2">
<add name="p2" connectionStringName="connstr"
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="p3">
<add name="p3" connectionStringName="connstr"
<add name="FullName" type="string"
readOnly="false" defaultValue="abcd"
serializeAs="String" allowAnonymous="false"/>
Here, we first enabled Forms authentication for the web site. Then we
configure membership, role and profile providers using <membership>, <roleManager>
and <profile> tags. Make sure that the connection string connstr points to your
database that you configured for application services. Notice that the above
markup defines one profile property named FullName that is of type string.
Expose ASP.NET application services to Windows applications
Now comes the important step. In order that Windows applications can consume
ASP.NET application services you must expose them from your web site. This is
done by adding <system.web.extensions> section inside <configuration> root
enabled="true" requireSSL="false"/>
<roleService enabled="true"/>
<profileService enabled="true"
Notice the markup shown in bold letters. The <authenticationService>, <roleService>
and <profileService> tags expose membership, role and profile services to the
external world.
If you worked in ASP.NET AJAX you should be familiar with this markup as AJAX
consumes the same services from client side script.
Observe the <profileService> markup carefully. The readAccessProperties and
writeAccessProperties attributes govern which profile properties can be read and
write respectively.
In real world cases you will be deploying this web site to a known URL. For
the sake of testing however we need to tell Visual Studio the port number to use
for running this web site. This is done in the web site property pages as shown

Make sure to specify a specific port (5555 in the above figure) and a virtual
path (/ClientAppServHost). This way at runtime the URL of our web site will be
Create a Windows Forms application
The next step is to add a new Windows Forms application to the current Visual
Studio solution. Open its property pages and locate Services tab. This tab
allows you to enable client application services for the Windows application.
Ensure that the "Enable client application services" checkbox is checked. Also,
specify authentication service location, roles service location and web settings
(Profile) service location to http://localhost:5555/ClientAppServHost.

This way the Windows Forms application knows how to connect with the
appropriate membership, roles and profile provider.
Retrieve profile properties in Windows Forms application
In order to access profile properties in Windows applications in strongly
typed fashion you need to retrieve them from the web site. To do so open
properties tab of the Windows application and select its Settings tab.

Click on "Load Web Settings" option to open a login dialog as shown below:

Enter user ID and password of any one user of the web site and click "Log
In". This will load profile properties in the grid of Settings tab (see Settings
tab screenshot above).
Consuming client application services
Now we arrive at the last step. Design the default Windows form from your
application as shown below:

In the Click event handler of Login button add the following code:
private void btnLogin_Click
(object sender, EventArgs e)
string msg = "Welcome ";
if (!Membership.ValidateUser(txtUserID.Text,
MessageBox.Show("Invalid User ID or Password!");
msg = msg + txtUserID.Text;
if (Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("Manager"))
msg = msg + " [Manager]";
if (Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("Operator"))
msg = msg + " [Operator]";
txtFullName.Text = Properties.Settings.
Here, we used Validate() method of membership class to check if the user ID
and password are valid. If so you check if the user belongs to Manager role.
This is done using IsInRole() method of the Principal object of current thread.
This principle is automatically populated with appropriate identity and role
information. Finally, FullName profile property is read using Settings
collection. Notice how the FullName property is accessed in typed fashion.
Now add the following code in the Click event handler of Save button.
private void btnSave_Click
(object sender, EventArgs e)
= txtFullName.Text;
The code sets the FullName profile property to the new value and calls Save()
method. This way the new value gets stored in the database.
Finally add the following code in the Click event hander of Logout button.
private void button3_Click
(object sender, EventArgs e)
authProvider =
The code accesses membership provider using the Provider property of
Membership class. This provider is of type
ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider, a class residing in System.Web.ClientServices.Providers
namespace. Logout() method of the provider is then called.
That's it. To test the application create couple of users and roles in the
web site using Web Site Administration tool and run the Windows Forms