Create database from model using Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core

While working with Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core you typically
create EF Core model consisting of a custom DbContext and entity classes. If
your database already exists, it can be mapped with the EF Core model. However,
if the database doesn't exist already, you would want it to be created. Of
course, you can create the database manually by looking at the EF Core model and
creating tables accordingly. Wouldn't it be nice if the database gets created
automatically for you based on the EF Core model your created? To that end this
article discusses just that.
To begin with, create a new ASP.NET Core MVC application (you can create
Razor Pages app if you want).
Now add these two NuGet packages to the project:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
The first NuGet package is the EF Core provider for SQL Server whereas the
second NuGet package is needed when you use EF Core migrations (discussed

Then add a new folder to the project called DataAccess. The DataAccess folder
stores the DbContext and entity classes required for the example discussed in
this article.
Then add two classes - Customer and Order - in the DataAccess folder. The
following code shows Customer class.
public class Customer
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public virtual List<Order> Orders { get; set; }
As you can see the Customer class is a POCO that uses data annotations to
indicate the primary key, identity, and foreign key. Especially notice the
Orders property that is intended to store all the orders belonging to a
customer. Although we won't use this class to perform CRUD operations in this
example, we still added Orders property to illustrate how the database schema is
created for us.
On the same lines add Order class as shown below:
public class Order
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
The CustomerID in the Order class indicates a CustomerID this order belongs
Next, add a custom DbContext class named AppDbContext and write the following
code in it:
public class AppDbContext:DbContext
public AppDbContext(DbContextOptions
<AppDbContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
As you can see, AppDbContext contains two DbSet properties - Customers and
This completes a sample EF Core model required for our examples. The
following figure shows the DataAccess folder after adding these classes.

Build the project just to ensure that compiler is happy with our code.
Now open the appsetttings.json file and store a database connection string as
shown below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyNewDatabase": "data source=.;
initial catalog=MyNewDb;
integrated security=true"
Note that the database specified in the connection string (MyNewDatabase)
doesn't exists at this point. It will be created for you in the following
At this point, our EF Core model is ready and you can register the DbContext
with the DI framework. To do that open the Startup class and add this code to
the ConfigureServices() method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
The above code uses AddDbContext() method to register AppDbContext with the
DI system of ASP.NET Core. Notice that the database connection string stored in
the appsettings.json file is supplied to the UseSqlServer() method.
Creating database using EnsureCreated() method
Now that the EF Core model is ready, let's try to create the required
database using
EnsureCreated() method. This technique is a code based technique and works
great for quick and simple database creation scenarios. This approach doesn't
use EF Core Migrations. All it does is to create a database schema based on your
EF Core model. If a database already exists then no action is taken, otherwise
the database is created for you.
To use the EnsureCreated() method go to the Configure() method and add the
following code:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
IWebHostEnvironment env, AppDbContext db)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/
Notice the code marked in bold letters. It injects AppDbContext instance to
the Configure() method so that the instance can be used inside the method.
Inside, the code calls the EnsureCreated() method to ensure that the database
for the DbContext is created if it doesn't exist already.
Now run the application and check whether the MyNewDb database gets created
for you. The following figure shows this newly created database in SQL Server
Object Explorer.

Notice how various tables, columns, column data types, primary keys, foreign
keys are picked based on the EF Core model.
Creating database using EF Core Migrations and .NET Core CLI
The database creation approach discussed in the previous section is suitable
for quick testing. A more realistic and recommended approach is to use
EF Core Migrations to create and update database. This approach can not only
create a database from ground-up, it can also update an existing database with
changes (existing data is also preserved). Using EF Core migrations is a two
step process - firstly you create a migration and secondly you apply that
migration to a database.
Let's see how these steps can be performed in our example.
Open Visual Studio command prompt and navigate to the ASP.NET Core project's
root folder.
Then install a .NET Core CLI tool called dotnet-ef. This is typically a one
time operation. If you have already installed dotnet-ef tool then you don't need
to install it again.
Issue the following command to install dotnet-ef tool on your machine.
> dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --global
The above command installs the latest stable version of dotnet-ef tool
globally on your machine. You can also use --version option to specify a
particular version of the tool.
You can check if the tool is installed or not by issuing the following
> dotnet tool list --global
Next, you need to create a migration issuing the following command:
> dotnet ef migrations add MyBaseMigration
--context AppDbContext
The above command creates a new migration named MyBaseMigration and uses a
DbContext as specified by the --context option.
If all goes well, you will find Migrations folder getting created inside your
ASP.NET Core project with certain class files.

You don't need to change anything from these files. They are used by the
dotnet-ef tool in the next step.
Now, issue the following command to apply the migration you just created.
> dotnet ef database update
This command will create the database (if it doesn't exist already) and
create the table as per the EF Core model definition. If the database already
exists, it will be updated (if needed) to reflect the EF Core model definition.
After executing this command successfully you should see MyNewDb database
getting created as before.

Notice that this time __EFMigrationsHistory table is also added that is used
internally by EF Core migrations.
Applying EF Core migrations programmatically
In the preceding section you created and applied the migrations using .NET
Core CLI. You can also apply the created migrations via code. The following code
shows how:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
IWebHostEnvironment env, AppDbContext db)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/
Here, you called the Migrate() method to apply the migration. The final
outcome remains identical to the previous example.
This article taught you how to create database from model. To learn how to
create model from database go
That's it for now! Keep coding!!