Working with Stored Procedures in Entity Framework - Part 2
In Part 1 of this two
part series, you learned to map stored procedures for the INSERT, UPDATE and
DELETE operations in the entity framework designer. EF also allows you call
arbitrary stored procedures from your code. These stored procedures might be
doing some custom processing and there are at least four distinct types of
values they can return back to the calling code:
- Scalar values such as integer or string
- Zero or more records that map exactly with some entity class
- Zero or more records that return data not mapping directly to any
existing entity class
- Multiple result sets
Whatever be the case a basic thing you need to do is to import the required
stored procedures in the EF model under consideration. In the examples
illustrated in this article you will need to import the following stored
procedures residing in the Northwind database. Some of these stored procedures
are installed as a part of the Northwind database. Additionally you need to
create a few on your own. The actual stored procedures and they return values
are discussed in more details in the later sections. The following figure shows
the "Update Model from Database" dialog of the EF designer:
Once you import the stored procedures in the model, they will be listed under
the Function Imports folder inside the model browser (see below).
Next, double click on any of the stored procedure. Doing so will open the
following dialog:
This dialog is important because this is where you can change the return type
of a stored procedure. The possible return types are:
- None
- Scalars
- Complex
- Entities
The return type of none means stored procedure doesn't return anything. The
return type of scalars indicates that the stored procedure under consideration
returns a scalar value and its data type can be selected from the dropdown. Most
of the times EF designer automatically detects the data type for you. The
return type of complex indicates that the stored procedure is returning records
that do not map with any existing entity structure. These records are,
therefore, mapped with custom complex types (classes) in .NET. The complex type
is generated automatically by EF (more on that later) but if you wish you can
also create and map a complex type on your own. The mapping can be changed
through the dropdown in front of Complex radio button. The return types of
Entities indicates that the stored procedure is returning records that are
directly mapping with some existing entity. The name of the entity can be
changed from the associated dropdown.
In many cases you won't need to even open this dialog because EF
automatically sets the return type for each stored procedure you import.
However, in some cases (as you will see it later) you may need to use it to
modify the return type mapping. Once the return types of a stored procedure is
set you are ready to use it in your code.
Now, that you have the basic idea about calling arbitrary stored procedures
let's see one example of each return type (except the return type of None).
Calling a stored procedure that returns a scalar value
In this section you will call a stored procedure that returns an integer
(i.e. scalar) value. The stored procedure that you will use is shown below:
@CustomerID nchar(5)
The CustOrderCount stored procedure accepts a CustomerID and returns the
number of orders belonging to that customer.
To call this procedure from C# code, first of all import it in your model as
outlined at the beginning of this article. Then you can write the following C#
code to call it:
NorthwindEntities db = new NorthwindEntities();
var count = db.CustOrderCount("ALFKI");
int ordercount = count.SingleOrDefault().Value;
The above code creates a data context and then invokes the CustOrderCount()
method on it. Notice that importing a stored procedure adds a method to the
context class with the same name and parameters as the stored procedure. You can
then call that method in your code.
The CustOrderCount() method returns an object of type ObjectResult. See the
following signature of the CustOrderCount() method as shown in VS:
The ObjectResult class represents an enumerable results returned by the
stored procedure. So, to get the actual value as returned by the stored
procedure you need to use SingleOrDefault() method and then use the Value
property. If you run this code you should get 6 as the ordercount for CustomerID
Calling a stored procedure that returns records that do not map with any
In this section you will call a stored procedure that returns order history
of a customer. The stored procedure selects ProductName and its total Quantity
using the following query:
@CustomerID nchar(5)
SELECT ProductName, Total=SUM(Quantity)
FROM Products P, [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Customers C
WHERE C.CustomerID = @CustomerID
AND C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID AND O.OrderID = OD.OrderID
AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID
GROUP BY ProductName
The CustOrderHist stored procedure is available with the default installation
of Northwind database. Before you call this this stored procedure import it in
the model as before. This time the EF designer will also create a
CustOrderHist_Result complex type for you. You can confirm this by double
clicking on the CustOrderHist stored procedure in the model browser and then by
observing its return type. The return value of CustOrderHist stored procedure is
collected in this complex type. The following figure shows how this complex type
looks like in the model browser:
Ok. You are now ready to call the stored procedure. Write the following C#
NorthwindEntities db = new NorthwindEntities();
var history = db.CustOrderHist("ALFKI");
foreach(CustOrderHist_Result item in history)
string product = item.ProductName;
As you can see the CustOrderHist() has been called as before. This time,
however, its return type is an ObjectResult of CustOrderHist_Result. You can
iterate through it to grab the individual instance of CustOrderHist_Result
returned. The foreach loop in the above example doesn't perform any meaningful
operation on the return value apart from storing the ProductName in a string
variable. You can easily replace your own login inside the loop.
In this example you used the complex type automatically created by the EF
designer during the import operation. You could have created a complex type
manually and then specified it in the return type dialog. In any case, if you
wish to receive the return value of CustOrderHist stored procedure you must have
a custom complex type. This is obvious because the returned data can't be mapped
directly with any of the existing entities (such as Customer and Order).
Calling a stored procedure that returns records that map with an entity
Sometimes the stored procedure you wish to call might return data that can be
mapped directly to an existing entity in the model. For example, a stored
procedure may return certain records from Customers table. In this case the
returned data can be mapped with the Customer entity. Consider the following
stored procedure that does something similar:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CustOrders]
@CustomerID nchar(5)
FROM Orders
WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID
The CustOrders stored procedure accepts a CustomerID and returns all the
Orders records from the Orders table for that CustomerID.
Import the stored procedure as before and then double click on it to open the
Edit Function Import dialog. By default EF designer creates CustOrders_Result
complex type. Since you know that the stored procedure return value can be
mapped with Order entity you can change the return type like this:
As you can see the return type of the stored procedure has been changed to
Entities and Order entity is selected in the dropdown.
To call this stored procedure you can use the following C# code:
NorthwindEntities db = new NorthwindEntities();
var result = db.CustOrders("ALFKI");
foreach(Order o in result)
int i = o.OrderID;
DateTime dt = o.OrderDate.Value;
In this case the return type of CustOrders() is an ObjectResult of Order. You
can then iterate through the result and access individual Order instance.
Calling a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets
So far so good. However, things can be more complex that this. What if your
stored procedure is returning multiple result sets? Consider the following
stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CustAndOrders]
@CustomerID char(5)
SELECT * from Customers where CustomerID=@CustomerID;
SELECT * from Orders where CustomerID = @CustomerID;
The CustAndOrders stored procedure returns two result sets - the first result
set from Customer table and the second result set from the Orders table. In such
cases EF designer won't be able to map the return value of the stored procedure
as expected. If you see the return type of CustOrders in the Edit Function
Import dialog you will find it to be CustAndOrders_Result and the
CustAndOrders_Result complex type contains properties for Customer data only.
To handle multiple result sets you need to manually modify the .edmx file as
outlined below.
Right click on the .edmx file in the Solution Explorer and using "Open With"
menu option open it in the XML editor. Locate the function import element for
CustAndOrders stored procedure. It will be like this:
<FunctionImport Name="CustAndOrders"
<Parameter Name="CustomerID" Mode="In" Type="String" />
Change the above function import definition as shown below (be extra
careful!) :
<FunctionImport Name="CustAndOrders">
<ReturnType EntitySet="Customers" Type="Collection(NorthwindModel.Customer)" />
<ReturnType EntitySet="Orders" Type="Collection(NorthwindModel.Order)" />
<Parameter Name="CustomerID" Mode="In" Type="String" />
As you can see the <FunctionImport> element now has two <ReturnType>
sub-elements. They specify the return types to be a collection of Customer and
Order entities respectively.
Then locate function import mapping for CustAndOrders stored procedure. In
its current form it will be like:
<FunctionImportMapping FunctionImportName="CustAndOrders"
<ComplexTypeMapping TypeName="NorthwindModel.CustAndOrders_Result">
As you can see, currently the <ResultMapping> section uses <ComplexTypeMapping>
to map the return value with CustAndOrders_Result. Modify the <ResultMapping> as
shown below:
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="NorthwindModel.Customer">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="NorthwindModel.Order">
As you can see, now you have two <ResultMapping> sections and each uses <EntityTypeMapping>
to map the return values to Customer and Order entities respectively.
This completes the .edmx modifications. Make sure to save the .edmx file. The
final step is to delete the CustAndOrders_Result auto-generated complex type
from the model.
Now, write the following C# code to call this stored procedure:
NorthwindEntities db = new NorthwindEntities();
var result1 = db.CustAndOrders("ALFKI");
string s1 = result1.FirstOrDefault().CompanyName;
var result2=result1.GetNextResult<Order>();
int s2 = result2.FirstOrDefault().OrderID;
When you cann CustAndOrders() method, initially the first result set is
returned. You can access this result using a foreach loop or using any of the
supported methods. To get hold of the second result set, you call GetNextResult()
method on the first result set. You can then access the second result set as