Pass Parameters to Blazor Components

Blazor apps consist of one or more components. A component can receive data
from an external source through parameters. In this article you will learn to
add parameters to a Blazor component. You will also learn various ways of
setting the parameter values.
Begin by creating a new Blazor Server App project in Visual Studio.

Then right click on the Pages folder and select Add New Item menu option. Add
a new Razor Component named Message.razor to the Pages folder.

The Message component is intended to display a message onto a page. Write the
following markup and code in the Message.razor file.
@code {
string Value { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Value = "Hello World!";
Here, we created Value property in the component and set it's value to Hello
World! in the OnInitialized() method.
We will house this component on the Index page. To do so, open Index.razor
from Pages folder and write the following markup.
If you run the application, you will see the message displayed on the page.

The second Hello World! message is from our Message component.
Now, let's accept this message from Index component (where we have housed the
Message component) by creating a Value parameter.
Modify Message.razor as shown below:
@code {
public string Value { get; set; }
Notice that the Value property is decorated with [Parameter] attribute.
Moreover, it is now made public. The [Parameter] attribute indicates that the
underlying property is a component parameter.
To set this parameter from the Index component, change the markup as shown
<Message Value="Hello Universe!"></Message>
This time we pass the message Hello Universe! to the Message component
through the Value parameter. And the result is this:

The Message component created above is housed inside the Index component.
However, you can also make it behave like a standalone page by adding @page
directive. The following code shows how.
@page "/Message"
Now the Message component can be accessed by entering /Message in the
browser's address bar.
It is also possible to pass a parameter value from route rather than setting
it in the component's markup. To do so, you need to add a route parameter like
@page "/Message/{value}"
Here, we added a route parameter called value. Modify the component markup
Now run the app and enter /Messahe/Hello Galaxy in the address bar. You
should get this outcome:

That means our Value parameter is now mapped to a route value.
What if you wish to map a query string parameter to a component parameter?
There is no direct way to accomplish this. But you can do that through code.
Let's see how.
First, inject NavigationManager object into the Message component by writing
this below the @page directive.
@inject NavigationManager NavigationHelper
This line will inject NavigationManager object that can be accessed in the
code through NavigationHelper property.
Also import Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities namespace because we will be
using QueryHelpers class from this namespace.
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities
Next, add this code to OnInitialized() method.
protected override void OnInitialized()
var uri = NavigationHelper.ToAbsoluteUri
if (QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(uri.Query).
TryGetValue("Value", out var value))
Value = value.First();
This code parses the query string and tries to grab the Value query string
parameter. If found, its value is assigned to the Value component property.
Since we aren't using Value property as a parameter here, you can remove or
comment out the [Parameter] attribute.
string Value { get; set; }
Run the app and assign Values query string as shown below:

What if you want to pass a list of messages from external world to the
Message component? There are couple of ways to accomplish that.
Let's create another component called MessageList to demonstrate those.
Add a new Razor Component named MessageList.razor to the Pages folder. Write
the following code to it.
@foreach(var item in Items)
@code {
public string Values { get; set; }
List<string> Items { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Items = Values.Split(',').ToList();
Here, we created a parameter called Values. It is assumed that multiple
values will be passed as a comma separated string. So, OnInitialized() method
splits the Values parameter and stores them into a List of strings. The
List<string> is outputted as a bulleted list using a foreach loop.
Here is how you can use the MessageList component in the Index onent.
Values="Hello World!,Hello Galaxy!,Hello Universe!">
And here is the output:

Other way is to store messages into a List and design Values to be a
@foreach (var item in Values)
public List<string> Values { get; set; }
Since Values is now a List<string> you can't assign it as a comma separated
values. So, add this code to Index component.
<MessageList Values="@values"></MessageList>
List<string> values = new List<string>() {
"Hello World!",
"Hello Galaxy!",
"Hello Universe!"
We store messages into a List and then set the Values parameter to @values.
The outcome will be same as in the previous example.
In this article you learned to add parameters to Blazor components. However,
there is more to Blazor's parameter story. We will learn more about that in the
next article.
That's it for now! Keep coding!!